Репозиторій ВТЕІ
id: 25853
Назва: Entrepreneurship activity in the service sector in globalization conditions
Автори: Martynova L., Chorna N., Yurchyk I., Marshuk L., Andrusenko N.
Ключові слова: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Activity, Freelance Services, Business Development Strategies
Дата публікації: 2020-12-29 16:04:06
Останні зміни: 2020-12-29 16:04:06
Рік видання: 2019
Аннотація: The article outlines the importance of the development of entrepreneurship in general and the services of freelance services in particular. Different scientific opinions and approaches to entrepreneurship development and efficiency increase are presented. The purpose of the article is to consider the development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity in the freelance service sector, approaches to the development and implementation of business development strategies. It is proposed to use an approach based on the consideration of the actions of both internal and external factors (level of economic development of the countries and income differentiation, development of Internet technologies, human development), especially in globalization conditions, global overflow of all types of resources. On the basis of the above, the three-dimensional matrix of the development and implementation of the strategy of business development in the freelance service sector in globalization conditions is given.
URI: http://ir.vtei.edu.ua/card.php?id=25853
Тип видання: Стаття Scopus
Видавництво: Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. 2019. Vol, 22. Iss. P. Р. 1-5
Розташовується в колекціях: Публікація у Scopus/ Публікації в наукометричних базах даних/ Видання інших установ/
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
Файл : 25853.pdf Розмір : 191153 байт Формат : Adobe PDF Доступ : Загально доступний
