The Repository of VTEI
id: 26271
Title: Project based learning: benefits and challenges
Authors: Ivanytska N. B., Necheporenko V. O.
Keywords: Project Based Learning, pedagogical approach, method, driving question, autonomy, educator
Date of publication: 2021-01-15 11:56:32
Last changes: 2021-01-15 11:56:32
Year of publication: 2018
Summary: The paper focuses on the benefits and challenges of Project Based Learning (PBL). The approach is considered to be a student-centered teaching method that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which students gain knowledge and skills to explore and respond to an authentic and engaging problem or challenge. The present article presents the results concerning the usefulness of Project Based Learning for developing the students’ academic ability. Educators have long seen the value of placing students in real-life scenarios to help them gain deeper levels of understanding of learning. Likewise, educators have long understood the value of projects as a means to help students learn new concepts. However, PBL is more than just “doing projects” as much as it is more than a simple “real-life” experiential activity. The shift to the use of PBL can be overwhelming for instructors who have been using different pedagogical approach to teaching and learning and for some it will require transference in their educational philosophy. The shift lecturer to a facilitator of learning places more responsibility on students, which might initially create student resistance. Additional student challenges can arise, due to the team based nature of PBL. Also, the commuter nature of community universities and outside obligations makes the coordination of team meetings and planning even more challenging. In addition to student and faculty challenges with the adoption of PBL are administration related challenges. Certain conditions enhance the effectiveness of PBL implementation and facilitation by academic staff. The adoption of assessments that mirror the “real world” context, thus engaging students in demonstrating the complex capabilities and competencies of their proposed profession, needs also to be considered, as well as other factors which have been discussed above.
Publication type: Стаття у закордонних наукових виданнях
Publication: Scientific Letters of Michael Baludansky. 2018 Vol. 6, № 4. P. 68-71
In the collections: Статті/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
File : 26271.pdf Size : 2305280 byte Format : Adobe PDF Access : For all
