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id: 30910
Title: Tools for marketing management of the innovation and investment activity
Authors: Polishchuk I., Dovhan Yu., Hromova O., Dovhan L., Hnydiuk I.
Keywords: marketing management tools, innovation and investment activity, enterprise, support tools, implementation tools, desirability function
Date of publication: 2025-01-20 09:37:46
Last changes: 2025-01-20 09:37:46
Year of publication: 2022
Summary: The paper examines the processes of managing innovation and investment activity of enterprises with the complex use of marketing management tools. It is clarified that modern competitive challenges force enterprises to strengthen innovation and investment activity, which is no longer considered as one of the possible goals, but as a critical and vital condition for the enterprise operation. Theoretical provisions and conceptual-and-categorical apparatus of the research of marketing management tools for the marketing management of innovation and investment activity of enterprises are generalized. It is established that innovation and investment activity of the enterprise can be defined as the processes of directing and regulating relations aimed to create and implement innovations and investments into the objects of business and other types of activities in order to make a profit or get some other effects. The necessity of reorientation of traditional management of innovation and investment activity as management built on the principles of marketing and comprehensive application of its tools is substantiated. It is proposed to divide the tools of marketing management of innovation and investment activity into two groups, in particular tools of marketing management and tools used for its implementation. Marketing tools for managing the innovation and investment activity of enterprises include marketing research and marketing information system, while marketing tools for the implementation of management include marketing product, price, distribution and communication policies of the enterprise. Possible levels of marketing management of innovation and investment activity of enterprises based on marketing approaches and the use of marketing management tools are identified due to the application of Harrington’s desirability function. It is substantiated that the priorities in the management of innovation and investment activity of the enterprise should involve interpretation of consumer demands, direct response and feedback of innovations and related investments with the opportunities, needs and values of consumers, demand development, diffusion of innovations and long-term orientation through the use of appropriate marketing management tools.
Publication type: Стаття Scopus
Publication: Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2022. Vol. 2 (43). P. 228-237. DOI:
In the collections: Публікація у Scopus/ Публікації в наукометричних базах даних/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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