id: | 30989 |
Title: | Prevention of a destructive attitude towards the environment as a condition of life safety in the ecosystem: criminological aspects = Деструктивному ставленню до навколишнього природного середовища як умова безпеки життєдіяльності в екоситемі: кримінологіч |
Authors: | Korniakova T., Yuzikova N., Khomiachenko S. |
Keywords: | determinants of crime, crimes against the environment, ecology, environmental policy, judicial staƟsƟcs |
Date of publication: | 2025-01-21 15:16:22 |
Last changes: | 2025-01-21 15:16:22 |
Year of publication: | 2020 |
Summary: | The arƟcle provides a criminological analysis of the current state and trends of environmental crime in Ukraine as well as idenƟfies the structure of environmental crime. The arƟcle idenƟfies the most common types of environmental crime, including those that have global and local effect. According to the results of the research, a system of combaƟng environmental crime is proposed supplemenƟng it with the descripƟon and characterizaƟon of its components. An execuƟon of systemaƟc targeted control over the state of the environment combined with a prevenƟon of environmental crimes by the state, society and individual ciƟzens will become a counterbalance to the destrucƟve aƫtude towards the environment and, accordingly, the basis for life safety in the ecosystem. |
URI: | |
Publication type: | Стаття у наукових фахових виданнях України |
Publication: | Law. Human. Environment. 2020. Vol. 11, № 3. P. 152-159. URL: |
In the collections: | Статті/ Видання інших установ/ |
Published by: | Адміністратор |
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