The Repository of VTEI
id: 26109
Title: Strategic Planning for the Sustainable Development of Territories
Authors: Tarasenko D.L., Тsyklaurі О.B., Belei S.I., Rіabenka M.O., Mazurkevych I.O.
Keywords: Strategic planning, territories, strategy, GDP, employment of population, European Regional Development Fund, program of territories’ development
Date of publication: 2021-01-12 13:19:58
Last changes: 2021-01-12 13:19:58
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: The main purpose of this article is to determine the features of the application of strategic planning to ensure sustainable development of territories.
Publication type: Стаття у закордонних наукових виданнях
Publication: International Journal of Economics and Business Administration. 2020. Vol. VIII, Spec. Iss 1. Р. 259-272
In the collections: Статті/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
File : 26109.pdf Size : 425101 byte Format : Adobe PDF Access : For all
