The Repository of VTEI
id: 26608
Title: Blended learning: steps to success
Authors: Ivanytska N.
Keywords: learning, teaching, studyimg
Date of publication: 2021-02-02 10:33:36
Last changes: 2021-02-02 10:33:36
Year of publication: 2016
Summary: Since the mid 1990s, larger student enrollments and more diverse student
populations have resulted in a greater emphasis on enhancing students’ learning
experiences in higher education. Blended learning is usually viewed as a combination
of face-to-face and online delivery methods, with the aim of each complementing the
other. Such an approach should, therefore, influence students’ perceptions of the
learning environment and, subsequently, their study approach and learning outcomes.
It is thus expected that there is a significant relationship between blended learning,
student learning experiences, and ultimate achievement.
Publication type: Тези доповіді
Publication: Застосування системи автоматизованого опитування студентів ВНЗ : матеріали міжвузівського вебінару (м. Вінниця, 15 грудня 2015 р.) / відп. ред. Л. Б. Ліщинська. Вінниця : ВТЕІ КНТЕУ, 2015. C. 55-58.
In the collections: Вебінари/ ВТЕІ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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