The Repository of VTEI
id: 26921
Title: Translating Culture: Foreignization VS Domestification
Authors: Ткачук Т.І.
Keywords: translation, source text, target text, culture, cultural realities, translation strategies, forenization, dn-mpvtimtinw
Date of publication: 2021-03-09 11:19:33
Last changes: 2021-03-09 11:19:33
Year of publication: 2017
Summary: The article discusses the concept of foreignization and domestication strategies in translation as a mechanism of rendering cultural issues and realities of the source text in the target text. The main attention is focused on the analysis of the role offoreignization and domestication strategies as the means of adequate translation of extralinguistic ele¬ments ofthe source text into target text as seen by theorists andpractitioners ofmodem translyatology.
Publication type: Стаття у наукових фахових виданнях України
Publication: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. 2017. Вип. 30, Т. 2. С. 105-107
In the collections: Статті/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
File : 26921.pdf Size : 166977 byte Format : Adobe PDF Access : For all
