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id: 26938
Title: Підвищення фінансової безпеки підприємства на основі формування моделі внутрішнього фінансового контролю
Authors: Даценко Г.В.
Keywords: financial security, implementation, internal financial control, enterprise, model, concept, risk
Date of publication: 2021-03-10 15:46:12
Last changes: 2021-03-10 15:46:12
Year of publication: 2019
Summary: The article explores the issues of improving the financial security of state-owned industrial enterprises based on the developm ent of an adequate model of internal financial control. Foreign concepts of improving the quality of internal financial control in the aspect of improving the financial security of enterprises are investigated. The paper analyzes possibility of adapting the best foreign experience of improving the financial security of the enterprise in the formation of the domestic model of internal financial control with the use of its components: the internal environment of control activities; formation of the goals of the enterprise; description of enterprise processes; risk identification and assessment; ways to respond to and manage risks; control measures; formation of reliable sources of information; monitoring of the internal control system and monitoring the results of control measures implementation.
Publication type: Стаття у закордонних наукових виданнях
Publication: Європейський журнал економіки та менеджменту. 2019. Т. 5, Вип. 4. C. 132-137
In the collections: Статті/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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