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id: 27671
Title: Social-economic development of the United Territorial Communities and development of a strategy for sustainable development (case of Ukraine)
Authors: Tarasenko D., Тsyklaurі O., Belei S., Rіabenka M., Mazurkevych I., Bashlai S.
Keywords: Territorial Community (Commune, Community), United Territorial Communities (UTCs), Indicators of Social-economic Development, Welfare, Sustainable Development Strategy
Date of publication: 2022-07-28 15:02:58
Last changes: 2022-07-28 15:02:58
Year of publication: 2021
Summary: The unification of territorial communities allows forming an effective and convenient system of management of the territory in which they live. However, the unification of territorial communities in Ukraine is uneven, which raises the question of why this is happening. The purpose of the study is to analyze the level of social-economic development of united territorial communities in Ukraine and the choice of sustainable development strategies (adaptation, innovation, anti-crisis) for UTCs of different levels, identify problems of social-economic development and outline areas to address them. Research methods: generalization and scientific abstraction; system-structural and comparative analysis; economic and mathematical modeling; clustering. It has been established that the unification of different territories in Ukraine took place unevenly (with different levels of social-economic development). The study found that the unification of different territories in Ukraine took place unevenly due to different levels of their socio-economic development. It has been established that throughout Ukraine, communities with a low and high level of development predominate and to a lesser extent with a medium level of development. According to the results of the analysis, territorial communities were grouped into 3 regional clusters: cluster 1 – UTCs and territories with a high level of socialeconomic development (Kyiv and 9 regions); cluster 2 – UTCs and territories with an average level of socialeconomic development (6 regions); cluster 3 – UTCs and territories with a low level of social-economic development (10 regions). It has been proved that the social-economic.
Publication type: Стаття Scopus
Publication: Wseas transactions on business and economics. 2021. Vol. 18. Р. 581-594
In the collections: Статті/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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