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id: 28118
Title: Ukrainian experience of the formation of digital competence of economists
Authors: Husak L., Hulivata I.
Keywords: digital competence of economists
Date of publication: 2023-01-03 15:35:15
Last changes: 2023-01-03 15:35:15
Year of publication: 2022
Summary: Digital transformation and technological innovations in the field of use of information and communication technologies, automated production, diversification and improvement of robots cause radical changes in the quality of human capital and create new requirements to the level of knowledge andcompetencies of digital skills ofany economic activity. The need ofhavingdigital competence for the future economist is a professional need and challenge in the conditionof rapid development of innovative technologies. Moreover, digital skills are necessary for the population as in professional activities - for complex data analysis and development of algorithms, programs, work in automated production systems,providing services, trade,business running, asin the process of forming digital and media literacy necessary to find information [17, p.16]. The development of digital technologies opens for Ukraine a «window of opportunity»for the growth of the national economy, improving the quality of life of citizens.The usage of these opportunities is a serious challenge and an important task of Ukrainian society [7]. In order to realize these opportunities and overcome the challenges of digitalization of the economy, it is important to find the ways of formingthe digital competence of future economists in the process of learning, consideringEuropean experience.
Publication type: Монографія (видана за кордоном)
Publication: Prospective global scientific trends : monograph. 2022. Book 11. Part 2. Рр. 25-33
In the collections: Монографії/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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