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id: 29100
Title: Formation of speech culture of future specialists in the field of journalism = Формування культури мовлення майбутніх фахівців сфери журналістики
Authors: Tymkova V.А.
Keywords: journalist, mass media stylistics, modern Ukrainian literary language, media texts, stylistic skills
Date of publication: 2023-10-10 09:47:13
Last changes: 2023-10-10 09:47:13
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: The article examines the issue of studying the practical stylistics of the Ukrainian language as an educational discipline in the training of media professionals, reveals the problem of improving the stylistic skills of students- journalists in the process of mastering the course as an important factor in professional training, substantiates the need to work on the stylistic skill of speech in the context of improving the skills of a journalist. It is marked that the practical stylistics of the Ukrainian language plays an important role in the training of future mass media workers as a means of forming a highly educated linguistic personality of a modern journalist. It is noted that the educational discipline “Practical stylistics of the Ukrainian language” has a significant communicative potential, and its mastering contributes to the fullest possible and perfect use of linguistic means by future journalists. The study of this educational component makes it possible to learn successfully the norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language, to develop the skills of creating and editing media texts of various genres and stylistics. It is emphasized that during the study of the educational component “Practical Stylistics of the Ukrainian Language” the students of higher education form competent, expressive and clear speech, acquire skills in stylistic text editing and the use of oral and written forms of all functional styles, observing orthographic, orthoepic, lexical-grammatical, punctuation norms, thanks to which communication skills are improved. It is concluded that the practical stylistics of the Ukrainian language has significant communicative opportunities, which contributes to the accurate, appropriate and balanced use of linguistic means in the practice of future journalists.
Publication type: Стаття у наукових фахових виданнях України
Publication: Закарпатські філологічні студії. 2023. Вип. 29, Т. 2. С. 84-89
In the collections: Статті/ Видання інших установ/
Published by: Адміністратор
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