The Repository of VTEI
Collection: Публікації в наукометричних базах даних
27825 Evaluation and removal of demotivating criteria in organizational support of the enterprise staff incentive mechanism Levytska І., Tarasiuk H., Klymchuk А., Postova V., Chahaida A. 2022-08-19 217
27814 Evaluation of the effectiveness of social capital usage Коrzh N.V. 2022-08-17 118
27775 Audit of Budget Programs in European Union Countries Hnydiuk I.V., Datsenko G.V., Krupelnytska I.H., Kudyrko O.M., Prutska O.O. 2022-08-11 212
27736 De-Shadowization of Tax Gaps in the System-Compositional Models of State Fiscal Policy: Comparative Analysis of EU Countries and Ukraine Trusova N.V., Hryvkivska O.V., Polishchuk N.V., Skrypnyk S.V., Lobacheva I.F., Kudyrko O.M. 2022-08-03 230
27733 Diagnostics of the State of Safety-Oriented Enterprise Management System Using Neural Networks Havlovska N., Koptieva H., Babchynska O., Rudnichenko Y., Lopatovskyi V., Prytys V. 2022-08-03 194
27701 Optimization of the structure of corporate capital throughout the lifecycle of a company Kоrzh N.V. 2022-08-01 129
27683 Model of electronic public health management on the example of the territorial community of Vinnytsia region Nebava M.I., Savina Т.В., Zayukov I.V., Vasazhenko N.O., Lesko O.Yo., Smolarz A., Ormanbekova A. 2022-07-29 131
27663 Theoretical and methodological aspects of strategic marketing at tourist business enterprises Mazurkevych I., Riabenka M., Postova V., Lukianets A. 2022-07-28 218
27657 Commodities as an object of management of a retail enterprise = Товарні запаси як об’єкт управління підприємства роздрібної торгівлі Kudyrko O., Krupelnytska I., Коpchykova I. 2022-07-27 148
27618 Green Enterprise Logistics Management System in Circular Economy Bozhanova V., Korenyuk P., Lozovskyi O., Belous-Sergeeva S. Bielienkova O., Koval V. 2022-07-26 246
27614 International hotel and tourism business: anti-crisis management aspects Humeniuk V., Kaziuka N., Malaniuk T., Vivsiuk I., Betlej A. 2022-07-26 146
27609 Management improvement at an enterprise through internal control augmentation in the case of international business = Удосконалення управління підприємством шляхом підвищення дієвості внутрішнього контролю в контексті міжнародного бізнесу Semenets А., Datsenko G., Panfilov O., Kuzkin Yе., Pankratova O. 2022-07-26 215
27603 Research Activities of Students as a Way to Prepare Them for Social Work: Adopting Foreign Experience in Ukraine Povidaichyk O., Vynogradova O., Pavlyuk T., Hrabchak O., Savelchuk I., Demchenko I. 2022-07-26 179
27602 Specific Features of Investment in Human Capital in the Postmodern Society Khachatrian V., Pavlyuk T., Pohrishchuk H., Dobizha N., Bezchotnikova S., Osipova L. 2022-07-26 150
27593 Scientific and educational consortium as institutional projection of the innovative professional training Levchuk O., Levchuk K., Husak L. 2022-06-17 139
27589 The Implementation of E-Learning to Support Learning and Teaching Foreign Language: A Case Study in Ukrainian Higher Education Tymoshchuk N. 2022-05-27 168
27585 Modeling of functional preparedness of women 25-35 years of different somatotypes Furman Y.M., Miroshnichenko V.M., Boguslavska V.Yu., Gavrilova N.V., Brezdeniuk O.Yu., Salnykova S.V., Holovkina V.V., Vypasniak I.P., Lutskyi V.Y. 2022-05-23 206
27582 The unity and interrelation of the educational, upbringing, and developmental functions of the learning process in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic Koreneva I., Havryliuk N., Lihus V., Chorna H., Liulchak S. 2022-05-19 173
27580 Tools for marketing management of the innovation and investment activity Polishchuk I., Dovhan Yu., Hromova O., Dovhan L., Hnydiuk I. 2022-05-19 246
27400 What drives peasant household to commercialize? An investigation of the factors leading to commercialization of semi-subsistence farming in Ukraine Koblianska I., Pasko O., Marenych T., Kotseruba N., Tkachenk V. 2022-01-13 238