The Repository of VTEI
Collection: Монографії
31049 Support and main areas of development of volunteer activities in Ukraine Pavlyuk T. 2025-01-23 7
30945 Strategic aspects of formation of the company's product range Krasnyak O. 2025-01-20 5
30926 Agile philosophy as a mechanism for formation of high-level values and change in organization Korzh N. V., Sokolovska V. V., Babchinska O. I. 2025-01-20 3
30925 Accounting and control of inventories as a basis for effective management of a trading enterprise Krupelnytska І. 2025-01-20 5
30924 Intangible digital asset in accounting: problems of recognition and accounting Krupelnytska І. 2025-01-20 3
30922 Management of financial resources of the enterprise Lobacheva I., Koceruba N. 2025-01-20 3
30895 Sales policy in the enterprise marketing system Krasnyak O. 2025-01-20 4
30882 Management of accounts payable of the enterprise Lobacheva I., Kotseruba N. 2025-01-19 9
30879 Recruiting 4.0: transformation in conditions of digitization and generational change Коrzh N. V. 2025-01-19 7
30821 Ways and tools of implementing social communications in Ukraine during the war Krasnyak O. 2025-01-19 6
30776 Financial analysis of management of the financial state of the company and hidden points of shortcomings of such analysis Коpchykova I., Kytaychuk, T., Krupeinytska, I. 2025-01-16 5
30731 Implementation of categorical management in the practice of marketing management of the trade enterprise: modern trends Sharko V., Adrusenko N., Havenko M. 2025-01-16 5
30709 A set of marketing measures for improving the operations of the company Sharko V., Andrusenko N., Havenko M. 2025-01-16 8
30275 The Relationship between Environmental Policy and Foreign Direct Investmen Pecheniuk A., Mushenyk I., Korzh N., Mazurkevych I., Oliinuk N. 2025-01-06 24
30141 Management of a sustainable development of tourism destination Korzh N. 2024-12-28 14
30138 Корпоративний капітал: зміст, структура, особливості розвитку Корж Н. В. 2024-12-28 19
30042 Dynamics of development of hotel installations and their impact on the economy of the state Vlasenko I., Riabenka M., Lukianets A. 2024-12-19 25
30032 Effective finacial control developmet of managig subjects = Розвиток ефективного фінансового контролю суб’єктів господарювання Datsenko G. 2024-12-18 25
30024 Financial resources management of the enterprise: analysis and strategy Datsenko A., Kovalchuk S., Kudyrko O., Lobacheva I., Seheda S.i, Krupelnitska I., Patramanska L., Cholii L. 2024-12-17 22
29955 Іnternal control is a risk reduction tool in an insurance company Datsenko G., Kudyrko O., Kotseruba N. 2024-12-13 18