The Repository of VTEI
Стаття Scopus
31001 The world market of intellectual property objects and interests of national security of countries Pankevych V., Bilous I., Omelyanenko V., Nagornyi Ye., Sukhostavets A. 2025-01-21 6
30993 Influence of Transformational Economic Processes on Marketing Management by an International Diversified Conglomerate Enterprise Tanasiichuk A., Hromova O., Abdullaieva A., Holovchuk Y., Sokoliuk K. 2025-01-21 3
30988 Economic Reformation of Ukraine: Historical and Legal Aspects Khomiachenko S., Yuldashev S. 2025-01-21 3
30987 Legal Culture as a Condition for Sustainable Development of Ukrainian Society Kachur V., Khomiachenko S., Moriak-Protopopova K., Protosavitska L. 2025-01-21 3
30961 Moral and psychological features of the motivational sphere of juveniles who commit crimes: Risk assessment of determining communication Yuzikova N., Korniakova T., Khomiachenko S., Chasova T. 2025-01-21 2
30931 Functional preparedness of women of the first period of mature age of different somatotypes Miroshnichenko V. M., Furman Y. M., Bohuslavska V. Yu., Brezdeniuk O. Yu., Salnykova S. V. 2025-01-20 5
30921 Assessing the convergence of international agricultural markets as a prerequisite for rapeseed sale at new markets Tanasiichuk A., Hromova O., Abdullaieva A., Kovtun E., Marshuk L. 2025-01-20 2
30915 Organizational and legal model of competency-basede ducation as a means of the transition to innovative economy Yuldashev O. K., Khomiachenko S. I., Yuldashev S. O. 2025-01-20 3
30910 Tools for marketing management of the innovation and investment activity Polishchuk I., Dovhan Yu., Hromova O., Dovhan L., Hnydiuk I. 2025-01-20 2
30900 Investigation of properties of sunflower and rapeseed oils obtained by the soxhlet and microwave extraction methods Bandura V., Fialkovska L., Osadchuk P., Levtrynskaia Y., Palvashova А. 2025-01-20 4
30885 Analytical toolkit in terms of increasing competitiveness under unstable economic conditions Datsenko G., Kotseruba N., Krupelnytska I., Kudyrko O., Lobacheva I., Otkalenko O. 2025-01-19 8
30843 Optimization of the Training Process of Highly Qualified Athletes in Athletics Combined Events at the Stage of Direct Preparation for Competitions Adamchuk, V., Shchepotina, N., Kostiukevych, V., Borysova, O., Bohuslavska, V., Tyshchenko, V., Ovcharuk, V., Bondar, A., Poliak, V. 2025-01-19 8
30842 Influence of serological markers of blood groups upon the development of visual memory in high schoolers and students Khoroshukha M. F., Griban G. P., Bosenko A. I., Lyakhova N. A., Harlinska A. M., Tkachenko P. P., Bondar A. A. 2025-01-19 9
30830 Innovative methods of drying rapeseeds using microwave energy Bandura V., Bezbah I., Kupchuk І., Fialkovska L. 2025-01-19 9
30813 Ukraine labour potential modelling based on using the theory of unclear logic = Моделювання трудового потенціалу України на основі використання теорії нечіткої логіки Zayukov I. V., Makhnachova N. M., Ivanchenko H. V., Semeniuk I. Y. 2025-01-19 6
30743 Effectiveness of Harmonisation of Ukrainian Legislation with the European: Analysis of Mechanisms Sukhorebra T., Kokarcha Y., Kostiuk N., Bakhnovska I., Slobodyska O. 2025-01-16 9
30701 Intensification of apple drying using convective and combined methods of dehydration Paziuk V., Husarova O., Bandura V., Fialkovska L. 2025-01-15 9
30683 Analysis of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability Ovsianiuk-Berdadina O., Babchynska O., Kovshun N., Salamakha K., Namarchuk V. 2025-01-15 8
30682 Gross regional product in Ukraine: two-dimensional analysis of regularities and territorial features Babchynska О. І., Vagonova O. H., Nyzhnyk V. M., Posvalyuk O. A., Lozovskyi O. M. 2025-01-15 5
30240 Innovative approach to the production of craft bread: A combination of tradition and innovation Semko T., Paska M., Ivanishcheva O., Kryzhak L., Pahomska O., Ternova A., Vasylyshyna O., Hyrych S. 2025-01-06 10