The Repository of VTEI
Collection: Публікації в наукометричних базах даних
25456 Enhancement of physical health in girls of 17-19 years by adoption of physical loads taking their somatotype into account Miroshnichenko V., Salnykova S., Bohuslavska V., Pityn M., Furman Yu., Iakovliv V., Semeryak Z. 2020-11-25 333
25453 Mechanisms of formation the training effects in athletes with application of swimmer’s snorkel devise during the aerobic loads Kropta R., Hruzevych I., Zhyrnov O., Sulyma A., Salnykova S., Kormiltsev V., Poliak V. 2020-11-25 322
25452 Correlation of maximum oxygen consumption with component composition of the body, body mass of men with different somatotypes aged 25-35 Miroshnichenko V.M., Furman Y.M., Brezdeniuk O.Yu., Onyshchuk V.E., Gavrylova N.V., Salnykova S.V. 2020-11-25 266
25429 World spatial features of doing business Tkachuk O., Khachatryan V. 2020-11-12 289